Fundamentals of Opthalmology – Eickemeyer – 6 credits (080424)

CE Courses with Eickemeyer Canada In the Maritimes!

Eickemeyer is thrilled to bring a great lineup of courses to Atlantic Canada this summer.

Fundamentals of Ophthalmology - Eickemeyer Veterinary Technology (

  • Course Description: A review of ocular anatomy, how to approach an ophthalmic examination, including why the neuro-ophthalmic exam is so important, what equipment will make your life easier as well as tips and tricks from a boarded ophthalmologist on how to evaluate eyes in all species. Lecture & wet lab.
  • Level: Basic course for DVMs
  • Speaker: Dr. Tara Richards BSc DVM Diplomate ACVO PhD
  • Dates: One-day course offered on July 13 or 14
  • Location: Coastal Care Veterinary Emergency & Referral Hospital (Halifax)

Commonly Performed Surgical Procedures of the Abdomen

  • Course Description: Learn/refresh skills commonly performed in surgical procedures of the abdomen including gastrotomy, gastropexy, splenectomy, enterotomy, enterectomy and anastomosis. Alternating lecture/laboratory combination throughout the day.
  • Level: Basic - Intermediate course for DVMs
  • Speaker: Dr. Ameet Singh DVM, DVSc, Diplomate ACVS-SA
  • Dates: One-day course offered on August 7 or 8
  • Location: Veterinary Specialty Centre Of Newfoundland and Labrador (Mount Pearl)

Advanced Surgical Procedures for the General Practitioner

  • Course Description: Combined day of lecture and hands-on laboratory on advanced surgical procedures. We will review and perform total ear canal ablation, ventral bulla osteotomy, perineal urethrostomy and basic skin flaps and skin grafts for reconstruction. An introduction to thoracic surgery will also be provided.
  • Level: Advanced course for DVMs
  • Speaker: Dr. Ameet Singh DVM, DVSc, Diplomate ACVS-SA
  • Dates: One-day course offered on August 9
  • Location: Veterinary Specialty Centre of Newfoundland and Labrador (Mount Pearl)

Fracture Repairs for the General Practitioner

  • Course Description: A 2-day hands-on course to learn reliable techniques for repairing both simple and more challenging fractures in dogs and cats. This course aims to provide veterinarians with practical surgical techniques (plating) for everyday life in small animal practices and beyond. A morning of lectures followed by an afternoon and a full day of hands-on laboratory time with applicable specimens.
  • Level: Basic-Intermediate course for DVMs
  • Speaker: John T. Payne DVM, MS Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons
  • Dates: Two-day course offered on September 7 & 8
  • Location: Moncton, NB

You can register for our courses through the Shop page of our website or by emailing us at

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